All Categories Installing Telraam v1 Do it yourself : Assemble Telraam v1 by yourself

Do it yourself : Assemble Telraam v1 by yourself

How can I assemble my Telraam?

You have bought a Telraam via Gotron (not available anymore) and you have chosen for the "Do it yourself package". You have received your device? Now, you have to assemble your Telraam.

Here is the list of the components you have received:



  • Raspberry Pi power cable


  • SD card & SD card adapter



  • Camera holder (see here more details about the first version of the camera holder). To buy the new 3D printed camera holder, click here.


Left: The first version of the Telraam camera holder. Right: The new  3D printed camera holder.

Would you like to print the components yourself? Then you can find all the necessary information on our Github page. Good luck! Existing camera holders can easily be replaced by this new and durable camera holder.

  • Cable to connect the camera to the black box (this cable may as well be black).


  • Double-sided adhesive paper (you can also use traditional adhesive paper or other means to attach your Telraam to your window, it is up to you) and two screws.

Uploading the software on the SD card

It is now time to install the software for your Telraam. To do this, just follow the instructions in the following article: "Updating the Telraam software by yourself".

Assembling Telraam in three main steps

Step 1: Install the microcomputer in the black box

1. First step, you will have to remove the small plastic film which is on one of the elements of the microcomputer, as shown on the following pictures:


2. Place the Raspberry Pi (microcomputer) in the black box. Make sure that the four small holes in the four corners of the Raspberry Pi fit into the black box (where there are four small mounting points). Make sure you install it the right way round.

3. Now screw the microcomputer into the black box by inserting the screws into the small holes provided for this purpose (the two holes are diagonally, opposite from each other), as in the photo below:


4. Remove the SD Card from the adapter.


5. Insert the Micro SD card into the Raspberry Pi correctly, (i.e. with the metal part facing up). 


Step 2: Install the camera in the camera holder and connect it to the computer via the cable

6. Connect the cable you have to the camera. The blue end of the cable must be directed towards the bottom of the camera (thus the metal part towards the top). Once the cable is inserted into the camera, please press the little black part of the camera, now located under the cable, this will fix the cable in the camera.


7. 1. Place the camera in (the first version of) the camera holder. Pay attention to the 4 small anchor points. Insert the cable into the large slot of the camera holder. Place the cover on the camera holder, but don't close it completely because you still need to integrate the part that will allow you to change the position of the camera. Once the three parts are assembled, you can close the camera holder completely. 



7.2. Assemble the new camera holder (new 3D printed version) and place the camera in the camera holder. This new camera holder ensures that the camera can be installed at a perfect angle without the risk of falling out of position. The set-up of the new camera holder is very simple, as you can see in this video: 

Placing the camera in the new holder is very easy (secure the camera at the end of the operation with the flexible part of the holder).

8. Insert the camera cable into the Raspberry Pi. The metal tab of the cable should touch the metal part of the Raspberry Pi connection. The blue part of the cable must be oriented towards the openings of the black box. Once the cable is inserted, you will still need to secure it by pressing on the black part just behind the cable.


Step 3: Complete the installation

9. Close the black box now, by placing the lid on the other part of the black box.

10. Plug the power cable into the black box.

Your Telraam v1 is ready!


You can now continue the registration process by creating an account.

Additional item for the DIY users. You can print out an anti reflection 3D model, made by Paul Beumer, for Telraam v1.

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