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All Categories Telraam S2 Quick validation

Quick validation

Time required: 30 minutes (15 minutes of counting, plus preparation and processing)

Tools required:

  • quick validation form (printout)

  • pen(cil)

  • watch (or smartphone)

  • access to your ROI (Region of Interest) page on telraam.net

  • Google form

Results: immediate

Step-by-step instructions for the quick validation

After reading the detailed instructions, download our single page validation form that also includes a summary of these instructions and handy tools to assist you in your validation.

  1. Check, or set, the ROI of your Telraam S2. This will tell you what area of the street your Telraam S2 is looking at, so you also only count road users that the Telraam S2 has a chance to see.

    • If you have not yet manually set the ROI of your Telraam S2, then please do it now (see detailed instructions).

    • If you, or your network administrator have already set an ROI then you still need to check the ROI image on your dashboard.

    • Save the ROI image from the dashboard, we will need this image from you, and you will want to refer to this in the next steps.

  2. Manually count the traffic passing along the street in front of your Telraam S2 for 15 minutes (or multiples of 15 minutes).

    • Using the button on the Telraam S2 select the 24 hour (daily) count screen.

    • Write down the current totals for pedestrians, cyclists, cars, and heavy vehicles just before starting the manual count.

    • Start counting precisely at the hour, or 15, 30, or 45 minutes past the hour. This is only important if you also want to compare results with data seen on telraam.net, otherwise starting at any time is fine. Write down the starting date and time (e.g.: 13 October 2023 12:15).

    • Count objects in 4 categories according to how Telraam S2 is expected to classify objects (see further background information).

    • Only count those objects that pass through the area that is covered by the ROI, so if the Telraam S2 cannot see pedestrians right under the window, then don’t include them in the manual count either.

    • After counting for 15 minutes, write down the new totals from the screen of the Telraam S2. For your information: remember there is a few seconds delay between objects passing in front of the Telraam and the counts being updated).

  3. Compare your manual counts with the counts made by Telraam S2.

    • Calculate the Telraam S2 counts by subtracting the total counts for each mode made at the start and end of the validation count. The mode-by-mode differences will give the counts which your Telraam S2 made while you were counting manually.

      • Optionally, if you started counting at the hour or at 15, 30, or 45 minutes past the hour, and you have a Data subscription, or you are part of a network with a Network subscription, then you can also check the counts of your Telraam S2 on the 15 minute data tab of your Data dashboard, where each bar is labelled with the starting hour and minute of the corresponding period.

    • Compare your manual counts with the counts from Telraam S2.

  4. Evaluate your results and consider the next steps.

    • By comparing the counts that you made during the validation and the counts that your Telraam S2 made, you can get a feel for the performance of your device. You are free to make a subjective evaluation according to your expectations, or you may consult our article on how to make the evaluation in an objective way.

    • If the differences are relatively small, and within the expected range, then we are happy and you can proceed to Step 5.

    • If the differences are large, then neither of us are happy, so we ask you to proceed to Step 6.

  5. If your results are in alignment with the expected performance, send us your results using our Google form. We will include your validation in our statistics without any further questions. 

  6. If your results indicate that your Telraam S2 is not delivering results as expected: please do a video validation as detailed below. You can still submit your results from the quick validation, but we will not be able to further process them beyond acknowledging your issue and pointing you towards the documentation describing the potential inaccuracies of our sensor, unless you carry out a video validation.

We know that this guide is long and detailed, but it is very important that we only use validations coming from harmonised, well controlled experiments, where as many external factors can be excluded as possible. Thank you for taking the time to do this validation count!

Send your results via the CleanShot-2023-11-15-at-14.35.07@2x.png

▶️ Go to "how to make the evaluation in an objective way". ◀️

▶️ Not satisfied with the results? Go to "Video validation" ◀️

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